The 3rd Trail

Just a quick post for now.  I will come back to this post and add and edit later. I am creating a 3rd trail to the creek! There is the trail/road we all know, the one we use to go to the campground near Bear Lake, and there is the trail/road that Juan & I just finished re-establishing last Sunday ( 01/19/14).  We drove the truck to the very end and turned around and drove back out.  Juan & Alina built a foot trail from this roads end down to the creek last summer.

Now we in the process of building a 3rd trail.  This trail will go to the creek directly down from the homestead and be just a walking trail. I have taken several adventurous and strenuous hikes through the bramble and rock outcroppings in search of the “best trail”.  I still don’t have it figured out, but I am getting closer. On this last exploratory “dive” into the canyon I ran across this old wagon wheel hub!!! Pretty cool. IMG_3234 IMG_3235