New Home For Queen Bee & All Her Workers!

Well it is happening!  This Saturday we are driving to the 8th Annual Olivarez Honey Bee Hobby Day west of Chico outside of Orland Ca.,  where  we will pick up our 3 lb package of Italian bees with a marked & mated queen.  After a bit of demonstrations and BBQ we will head back to the Chico Canyon Ranch and gently transfer the queen and her court into their new palace. ( See attached photos).  Least you worry about her security I will in another post show you the fortifications that are near completion designed to humanely keep marauding brigands at bay!!!!

Re-modeled poultry palace in back ground.
Re-modeled poultry palace in back ground.
Oak Round Pedestal
Oak Round Pedestal


The “nuke” traveling from Orland to the Canyon.

Hive & Nuke Box

Preserving Oak Woodlands

Since our tour of the Canyon with Paul Maslin and Jeff Mott, I have become aware of the plight of the oak groves around the canyon, and in the California foothills generally that are being “out competed” by conifers in part by lack of fires. There are some advantages to the oak groves. They are more supportive of native grasses, and therefore the wildlife community and more tolerant of wild fires. So my “new fire” theory is to act like fire and selectively thin the conifers around Black Oak Groves. The thinned plants should be cut into as many pieces as possible ( chipping would be ideal), so that reincorporation into soil and nutrients can take place as quickly as possible.
The photo above shows an area I am beginning to thin.

Peter Gets In Trouble with Cal Fire, again! Hey it was the best control burn ever!!! All is well.

Perfect burn! Reducing the fuel in an area that is particularly vulnerable in the summer.
Perfect burn! Reducing the fuel in an area that is particularly vulnerable in the summer.
The fire crept along at a perfectly slow pace
The fire crept along at a perfectly slow pace
It was a beautiful cool, windless day. There have 2 or 3 mild rainfalls so far this season so the forest was not tinder dry.
It was a beautiful cool, windless day. There have  been 2 or 3 mild rainfalls so far this season so the forest was not tinder dry.

Garlic at the Canyon

Planted Garlic – Sunday Nov. 12th. Purchased red garlic from Red Bank lady vendor at Chico Farmers Market, about 4 cloves. We have NOT had our 1st frost. I did not soak in kelp extract. Planted in box #4. ( box #5 was planted to beets week before ) Have not mulched yet. ( last years garlic was in box #1 & #2 – several varieties from Peaceful Valley )

[ Garlic – Plant in the late fall after the first frost… about November. Break the cloves apart and soak in kelp extract overnight. Plant in loose soil with lots of organic matter.  Plant in rows about 18″ apart and each clove about 6 inches apart. Plant blunt end (root nodes) down. Cover with about 2″ of soil.  Mulch over the entire bed, not too heavy, or remove some in spring time. Likes even moisture throughout the growing season so mulch and drip line will help achieve this.  Garlic does not like competition so mulch and weeding are important.  Summer activity is cutting the scapes. It is time to cut the scapes when they curl back down. Cutting the scapes will help improve the size of the bulbs. You can stir fry the scapes ( yum ).  Harvest time for most varieties happens between mid July and beginning of Auguts.  When leaf tips turn brown stop watering and wait about 2 weeks. When plants are about 1/3rd brown check bulb size on one or two plants.  Better to harvest too early than too late. Once out of soil tie in bunches and hang in a dark place with good air circulation for all sides of the bulbs.

Garden work

Presenting the Class of 2014 … 17 new hens and 1 rooster raised from chicks purchased at Northern Star Mills. Coming into egg production this month. 
Harvesting grain corn

IMG_4395 IMG_4394 IMG_4396 IMG_4397 IMG_4399 Sun. Sept. 28th Harvested corn, pumpkins, other veggies. Will be curing in sun for a day or two.  Except corn which will dry for weeks. Weeded large area to be made into veggie beds. Good weeds to compost pile, bad weeds to burn pile.  Corn stalks and squash plants chop up with machete for better composting.

Tues. Sept 30th finished weeding and formed 7 planting bests 4′ x 42′ !! and planted PV premium soil builder.