Asparagus, Garlic, Artichoke

On December 15th I spent a couple of hours in the garden pruning down the asparagus, adding some nutrient mix, and topping it with straw mulch.  Also added straw mulch to the garlic bed and the last surviving. artichoke.

The asparagus beds are a mix of varieties.  The upper bed was planted a view years before the lower bed and has a variety that produces some very large spears. 

e Dec. 2022 Asparagus beds before being cut down and mulched.
The garlic bed was planted in late Oct. 2022 after the first light frost. Photo ( Dec. 15th) shows garlic shoots just coming up. I will now mulch. with straw.
Dec. 15th. 2022 – Asparagus beds cut down to the ground, mineralized, and mulched.

2022 Fall Garden Starts

 It’s Sunday now, August 28th, I think it was Wednesday that I bought some starts and seeds at the Chico Food Coop to start the fall garden.  I planted in the raised bed (bed 19 ).  It has the “nicest” soil. Good tilth. I planted broccoli, Brussel. Sprouts, bok choi, asian greens as starts.  As seeds  I planted Tokyo Market Turnips, Scarlet Ohno Revival Turnip, Lutz Green Leaf Beets.  I set up micro sprinklers and covered with a shade tunnel.

Inline Water Filter For Garden System

An inline water filter helps keep the sprinkler heads from plugging up.

The various filter(s) in the water system need to be cleaned regularly.  About once a week in the summer when more water is being used.  If  the filters are not cleaned they will clog up and slow the water to the irrigation way down, or clog it up completely. 

Garden Shed & Snakes!

So I have completed a garden shed that will keep garden tools and stuff handy! There are a lot fewer rattlesnakes the past few years. Drought? Also in the last few years, I have seen several king snakes!!! Connection? We have pulled back from automatically killing rattlesnakes. They are not really looking for trouble, and they do help hold down the gopher population. In this post, I have a photo of a king snake that is hanging around the house and garden. Last year I found one in the shop and picked it up and let it go outside. Also this year there was one stretched out across the road to the creek. Juan and I were on a “check up on the creek” trip and herded the beautiful looking fellow off the road.

Baby Rattlesnake. So cute! But DON’T TOUCH!!
Right next to the door to the shop.
This beautiful snake is hanging around the house.
Putting the final touches on the garden shed.
The garden shed without the roof and countertop. A view from the back deck of the house. The garden looks like mostly cover crop, but there are tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. hiding in there.

2019 Saturday, April 20th Gardening Log

April 20th, 2019 – The garden is planted mostly to cover crop – Peaceful Valley Premium Soil Builder Mix. We have added very nice pine needle mulch along the paths and the perimeter fence.

This day I added a filter to the main water line to the sprinklers. I forgot to take photos so I will try to add another post when I have a photo of the filter to share.

I planted starts that I purchased in the morning at the Farms Market from the GRUB booth.

  1. Eggplant ( 3 different varieties ) – planted in a gopher bed
  2. Cucumbers ( 2 different varieties ) – planted in gopher basket
  3. Jalapeno pepper (1) – planted in a gopher basket
  4. Shishito pepper (1) – planted in a gopher basket
  5. Rainbow Swiss Chard (6) – planted in a gopher bed
Eggplant Orient Express

Sunday May 12th

Beautiful Mother’s Day!

Just quick bullet list of activity for Canyon log.

  1. Moved the big boulders, that had fallen off the cliff face onto the drive way, to their new purposeful location in front of the house to direct vehicle parking back from the flower bed. This will keep a nice shady pathway open to the house. This was done by dragging with the Tundra and a 20′ long 3/8th-inch diameter chain. Quite the endeavor!
  2. Selected and cut up 4 or 5 pine trees on the continuing work of drought and fire hardening of the land.
  3. weeded a bit in the garden. ( Harvested what is probably the last of the asparagus.