Ok, I’m building little compost piles with heavier stuff in the big pile, (coffee grounds, weeds, leaves) mixed with the straw w/ pigeon poop in the black plastic bags.
In a small canyon in the Southern Cascades
It is raining gently here in Chico but I can expect at least twice the rainfall is happening at the Canyon. Juan called yesterday asking that I bring up a few things for him from the store. 1. a pound of Carnitas, 2. 8 pancitos (little cupcakes) and of course un coffecito. I always bring him a cup of coffee from Starbucks or Peets with lots of cream and sugar. I expect that today will be mostly inside work due to the rain. I can move a few things out of the house in to the YAHB to continue preparing the house for “weekend guests”.
Potatoes, Garlic, Onions, Peppers, Asparagrass
In order to keep livestock safe from predator attack at night a full chain link enclosure must be used (sides & top). The livestock can be attracted into the enclosure when needed by using “desirable” feed like grain molasses mix. When calling in and then feeding is done routinely the livestock will learn to come with a call. The enclosure must be large enough to be comfortable and healthy for the livestock and may need separate compartments for young vs old, male vs female, fragile vs aggressive, etc.
Look for pre-made tube & chain link panels, like what fencing companies use then these can be “tied” together to from enclosures as needed. Other wise tubing, chain link, and coupling hardware can be purchased and panels constructed. Old corregated roofing from the YAHB old roof can be used as roofing and siding for these enclosures. (put over the chainlink).