2019 – Sunday June 23rd

Today was comfortably warm ( low 80s ) until about 1:30 pm when it became uncomfortably warm ( low 90s). The sun just seem stronger up at the canyon. You can still work outside but you have move slower and take breaks. As usual there were some repair jobs to do before I could start on what I had planned to do. ( The weed wacker needed its head taken apart, cleaned and put back together ) Below are photos of odds and ends worked on this day.

Spice Bush flowers! Their fragrance will always remind me of the “Creek”. This bush is blooming strong, sitting by the path to the spring head. I check the water source(s) about twice a month. About 2 to 3 times a year there is something to repair or improve.
Got some late additions to the summer garden at the Farmers Market. GRUB. The glue is going back into the shop where it belongs. I have been gluing together some of the dining room chairs that have been drying out too much. I also oiled the chairs some, so that should help.
Welcoming Hydrangea
Drying 2019 garlic harvest in the basement. This crop was planted by Estella in 2018.
The Black Walnut slab is getting ready for a new life as a kitchen countertop! How long has it sat patiently in Woodland, then Davis and then Chico Canyon?

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