First Peaches of the Season

July 13th.  The peaches are coming! Must be the harsh stressful conditions the peach trees are put through that makes Canyon Peaches ( and other fruit too ) taste so good.  Or it could be the camping syndrome, where you are so hungry and tired and worked so hard, the camp food tastes amazing!    This was an off year for apricots.  Cherries were just ok, good flavor but light crop and smaller fruit. Plums, figs, pears, apples, nectarines, pomegranates, persimmons, and walnuts all seem to be coming along well.  Almonds and pistachios are looking light this year.  The new Beer Fence ( that’s bear & deer ) is helping the fruit trees and the chickens and the beginnings of a pasture, as is the new water system. More on those later.

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