The protection system!

The downhill side of the Bear & Deer fence around the orchard/apiary/poultry pasture.
The downhill side of the Bear & Deer fence around the orchard/apiary/poultry pasture.

Deer and bear were damaging the fruit trees every year!! There was just no way to “share” the orchard with them and have any reasonable success at orchard health.  A 7′ high fence now encircles the orchard, vineyard, & chicken coop.  It now successfully excludes deer from the orchard. We are adding a 3 wire electric fence to the 7′ deer fence. It is nearly complete.  I am hoping it will successfully exclude bear from the orchard. It is a race against time to get it up and working. The bears start coming around when the figs begin to turn blue. I have a few weeks left.

The start of the deer & bear fence.
The start of the deer & bear fence.
Just plug it in and stand back!
Just plug it in and stand back!

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