New Home For Queen Bee & All Her Workers!

Well it is happening!  This Saturday we are driving to the 8th Annual Olivarez Honey Bee Hobby Day west of Chico outside of Orland Ca.,  where  we will pick up our 3 lb package of Italian bees with a marked & mated queen.  After a bit of demonstrations and BBQ we will head back to the Chico Canyon Ranch and gently transfer the queen and her court into their new palace. ( See attached photos).  Least you worry about her security I will in another post show you the fortifications that are near completion designed to humanely keep marauding brigands at bay!!!!

Re-modeled poultry palace in back ground.
Re-modeled poultry palace in back ground.
Oak Round Pedestal
Oak Round Pedestal


The “nuke” traveling from Orland to the Canyon.

Hive & Nuke Box

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