Micro Event Center – Grape arbor provides shade

A wonderful spot for a long view of the canyon is the point down below the YAHB and the pole barn. You may recall that this area was completely over run with scottsbroom. Well after years of cutting and burning and cutting and burning and cutting… the broom is pretty much gone!!! Of course we have to keep the pressure on,  but it is a relief to know scottsbroom can be defeated (without chemical warfare).  Now the point is an easy walk from the YAHB, and is a great spot to hang and contemplate the universe.  Especially on a moonless night!  The night sky is gorgeous! However much of the summer the spot is too hot to hang for much time.   But with a nice deck and grape arbor it would be an awesome micro event center. So that is the plan. Since grapes take a while to get get big enough to offer much shade I want to get those started first!  There will be the whole protection from the wild critters issue but that will be easy with protective cages for the first couple of years.  More on how to protect our plants and animals from the wild critters later, I have a plan. One photos show the vines that will be planted on the point.  They are at this moment heeled in, in the garden.  The other photo shows the point where the grapes and deck will be. Heeled in Grape starts Vista point

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