I arranged for the painters to return to touch up a bit of painting and cover some flicker holes. – Nasty birds that love to peck holes in your home high up in the eaves. They are quite beautiful to look at up close, but real pests when it comes to keeping your home or barn in good shape. Why the heck they prefer houses over trees is beyond me. I also had the painters nail up some reflective ribbon along the roof edge. These are supposed to bother the flickers so much they decide to find a less bothersome place to build a nest. – Boy that was a long digression. The main news is that the house has newly painted trim and newly oiled shingles on the second story! We kept Sarah’s blue. It’s beginning to grow on me. No one else has a house with quite that color combo. Plus I have made it the color theme for our hand tools. It turns out it is a very good color to be if you are a tool left lying around and want to be found.
As it turns out a 28′ extension ladder fits perfectly from the center of the peak of the roof on the South facing side of the house ( by the back deck) down to the bench brace of the deck. You have to take the 2×6 seat boards off that portion of the bench but then you have built-in ladder support. ( see photos ).