Along the Big Pipe Trail

The water source for the ranch is from a spring about a quarter mile up the little stream that runs below the ranch house and eventually feeds into Big Chico Creek. Actually the water system taps into the spring area of the stream in two places. One place the water flows into a large 4″ diameter white pvc pipe. I refer to this as the Big Pipe. The other place is downstream about 50 yards from the Big Pipe source, and this places feeds a little pipe, 1.5″ in diameter white pvc. I refer to this as the Little Pipe.  Both pipes travel down hill toward the house, in separate routes, and at a spot about 300′ from the house they connect together. I estimate both sources to be on average about 8 gl /min. So together they combine to be about 16 gl/min.

Over the past 4 years I have been marking and creating a trail to follow both pipes path from their source to the house.  Though this process I found where the Little Pipe connects to the Big Pipe by the house, and where the Little Pipe connects to its spring source. I have also built support pedestals where the Big Pipe crosses seasonal water courses and discovered leaks in both the Little Pipe and the Big Pipe.  I still have one important pedestal to build for the Big Pipe and repair a related leak in the big pipe.

Anyway it is nice to have these trails. Not only are they pleasant walks through the forest but the make maintaining and improving the water system much easier.

Below are some photos from last Sunday June 23rd when Juan and I went looking for some problem with the water system, because we noticed the water pressure was just a bit low.  We believe we discovered the cause, and hence the need for another support pedestal.

The old bent up metal pipe is from the previous water system. When we find old pipes and stuff ( which is not very often ) we carry them back to the canyon to dispose of.

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