One of this summers major projects

For the last several years Juan & I have been clearing a service trail along the pipe from the spring head to the ranch. In that process we discovered that there were two pipes carrying water to the ranch not one.  There was the big 4 inch diameter pipe that is the only pipe coming into the ranch.  This is the one that was exposed in a big ravine caused by what must have been a might wash out years ago.  The first year Juan was with us we set to work to fill that ravine, to protect the pipe from exposure, and to make the trail back up the pipe toward the spring head more passable.  Then we headed back up toward the spring head in the direction we figured the pipe followed. It was pretty grown over and the going was slow. I started to take trips of discovery from the spring head back to the Ranch trying to follow the pipe. I know Sarah had done this too. There was a pipe break where it crossed one of two water course ravines. More like a slipping undone at a pipe coupling. So we can sorta force it back together and it seems to last for awhile until the pressure becomes too much or some bear plays with it.  This is definitely on the fix it list but it works for now. I will add some photos in a later post.


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