2013 – Apricots are abundant this year!!


This year we have a wonderful crop of apricots.  The hanging shirts are make shift scare crows to keep back the birds a bit. There is a fox that comes nearly every evening to dine on apricots.  They climb right on up the trunk and into the limbs.

The squirrels will be really happy with such a great crop of walnuts this year!  I see if I can battle them for at least a bit of a crop.
The squirrels will be really happy with such a great crop of walnuts this year! I see if I can battle them for at least a bit of a crop.

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Here is the “natural pruning” of a wild plum tree from bear, deer, & birds. Wild no?


One thought on “2013 – Apricots are abundant this year!!”

  1. WOW! that’s a stunning apricot crop, Peter and Juan. Congratulations! Must be the lime and tender loving care. Enjoy to the hilt.

    love, Phyllis

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