How the Agave cactus decided to try living near Ann & Bobs pond.

Some how some agave plants made it to the canyon.  They certainly had some help from two legged animals and I don’t mean birds!  Agave is native to the southwest and Mexico. It is also often called the century plant, because it take a long time ( ” a hundred years” ) to  flower.  After flowering, which is amazingly dramatic, the plant dies.  So yesterday as I was climbing down from above the cliff where I am working on the fire safe zone around the homestead, I noticed that the group of Agave plants had spit out a little Agave plant.  Taking that as a sign that we are supposed to grow a bunch more Agave and start our own tequila production I thought I would plant the little buddy near Ann & Bobs pond. It can’t be any tougher to make a life there than on the side of the cliff above the house.

Happy agave more agaveIMG_1978 Agave transplant Agave Transplant IMG_1981

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