Oct. 27th 2011

Another nearly all day opportunity at the Canyon. I had to stop in Forest Ranch first for a little real estate brokerage task. I could go into that another time.  I arrived and Juan was weeding the garlic and onion beds, after that we added about 8 inches of straw mulch. The nights are getting frosty.  I brought some deer resistant plants to finish off the patio terraces. (see photos of plant labels).

I hope the Shasta Daisys do well.

I planted all these along the foot of the middle terrace.  They will hopefully thrive and improve the appearance of the patio and stability of the ground/soil.

I also completed the deer fence around the test pasture. The fenced area takes in a nice old apple tree, so though the deer will be kept out by the fence, the bear will hear nothing of it. – We will just have to put up with it till the apples are gone.  – It won’t be long.  The bears have become quite comfortable around the place according to Juan.  A shot gun blast in the air doesn’t scare him or her off very far and they come right back. (Some times there are more than one).  I am considering getting some salt shot to get a little respect from the bears.  Eventually I can put up some electric fencing.

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