A cool but mostly sunny day. I left for the Canyon pretty early. After picking up a few things Arturo had requested from Safeway I was on my way up the mountain side by 7:30 am. About halfway up, before cell phone coverage is lost, I got a call from Arturo. He had a couple more things to add to the list, so I said I would stop at the Forest Ranch Store to pick them up. When stopped at the store for those few items, and got inside with the nice smells from the deli counter, I decided what the heck, I’ll stay at the Canyon for lunch. I ordered a couple of deli sandwiches. The Forest Ranch Store makes fabulous deli sandwiches, just a tip.
I didn’t see any wild life on the way down in the Canyon. Often there are turkey & deer, rarely, but sometimes, fox, and bear, and lion, oh my! My mission I decided was to split all the beautiful black oak rounds I had cut last trip up. I couldn’t wait to see if the rounds would split a nicely as I imagined.
After greeting Arturo and unloading supplies I pulled the pick-up close to the pile of rounds, rolled down the windows and turned up the radio. It was a bit cold so I started slow but was soon down to a my long sleeve T-shirt happily splitting away. Not even one round I could not split with simply two splitting mauls! Ahhhhh what satisfaction.